Phil & Jennie Gaglardi Academy


To establish a policy to address situations and circumstances in which an employee or volunteer’s personal interest is in conflict with the interest and purposes of Northgate Christian Education Society. This policy is intended to protect employees, the Society, and enhance public confidence in the reputation, integrity and trust of the Society.


This policy applies to all employees, board members, and volunteers of the Northgate Christian Education Society.

Conflict of Interest Defined

Within the Society a conflict of interest arises when:

When the receiving or giving of gifts and/or benefits by an employee or volunteer may impair the ability of the employee or volunteer to act impartially, without compromise or bias in decision-making, impair trust or reputation of the Society.

The following are examples of situations where a conflict may arise:

  • When an employee or volunteer receives a monetary gift and/or benefit arising from relationships within the Society including, but not limited to, other employees, students, parents, volunteers or suppliers of the Society.
  • When an employee or volunteer uses school assets or property to conduct personal business unrelated to Society business.
  • Improper submission of expense claims for items not for the purposes of the Society and deemed to be for personal use or advantage will result in an immediate employment review.

The following are examples of a conflict of interest.

  • When an employees’ primary loyalty to the Society is compromised through other employment that impairs the objectivity or judgment in Society dealings.
  • When conduct is inconsistent with the Christian teachings of the Bible or the purposes of the Society.

Exceptions to Conflict of Interest

  • Normal exchange of hospitality between employees and volunteers doing business together (ie. having lunch together).
  • Exchange of monetary gifts or gifts-in-kind less than (<) $25.00 per occurrence.
  • Exchange of services valued less than (<) $25.00 per occurrence.

 Reporting Requirements

All deviations from this policy by employees and volunteers must immediately be reported and disclosed to the School Director in writing. The School Director will report, in writing, to the Chairman of the Society Board. Failure to do so may result in immediate termination.

Reporting and Disclosure Process

Reporting can be either via email or delivered by hand in writing.
Include details of the suspected conflict:

  • date of the gift or benefit
  • recipient or employee
  • monetary value
  • purpose of the exchange
  • what Society assets were used
  • any relevant mitigating circumstances. 

Please note: this policy requires disclosure. If there is no conflict of interest determined, the employee will be allowed to receive the gift or service.

Ownership of Intellectual or Creative Property

All rights and claims to intellectual and creative property conceived as a result of employment within the Society will belong to the employee. However, employees must disclose to the School Director when personal intellectual and creative property is used within the School for study purposes, to add, or replace the approved curriculum.

Although not a requirement, the Society asks that any published work give an acknowledgement to Phil & Jennie Gaglardi Academy when the content of the published work is obtained while employed by the Society.

Actions to take when a potential conflict of interest occurs

Employees and volunteers are required to consult with their supervisor/manager whenever they have any question as to whether a particular circumstance may place them in a conflict of interest.
Persons who fail to comply with these standards during the course of their employment will be
subject to appropriate disciplinary measures as determined by the Society, up to and including dismissal from employment.

When a conflict has occurred, the Society reserves the right to enforce it’s lawful rights and remedies against the offending person even after termination of employment has occurred.

Conflict of Interest Policy, April 26, 2017