Phil & Jennie Gaglardi Academy


  • No staff member may exercise authority that does not derive ultimately from the School Board.
  • Individual staff members may not delegate 100% of their authority to another staff member except when approving cover for absences.
  • Approval limits specify the value up to which a staff member may authorize transactions falling within the scope of their delegated authority and job description.
  • Authorities and approval limits are delegated to an individual staff member, not a post-holder, and must be reviewed when there is a change of staff member.
  • When setting limits, the School Board should be satisfied that the limits reflect the staff members operational needs, their experience and training.

Responsibilities of Delegation:

  • Staff members will be held both responsible and accountable for the delegated authorities.
  • Under no circumstances should a staff member split-up limits into smaller amounts or enter into contractual agreements below minimums in order for transactions to fall within approval limits.
  • It is the responsibility of the individual staff member to formally transfer, in writing, their authority and approval limits prior to a planned absence.

Authorities that cannot be delegated:

  • Individuals cannot be delegated the authority to approve contracts or payroll-payments to themselves.
  • Approving the set-up of new bank accounts or new credit cards.
  • Approving long-term leases.
  • Approving the Purchase of personal assets from the individual.

Specific Approval Limits:

The table below sets out the authorized approval limits of each staff member listed and the financial limits.