Our Grade 12 class has started their fundraising endeavors! We are selling apple pies again to help fund our graduation celebrations and contribute towards a grad legacy. Our goal is to sell 200 pies! We would greatly appreciate your child’s efforts in helping us by selling pies to their families, friends and even neighbours! Your child's participation is not required, but we would be grateful for help. Prizes will be awarded to top sellers. (Details to follow at the school assembly.)
The 10-inch apple pies are $15 dollars each. They will be made from" best-in-the-valley" handpicked apples. The fresh pies will be made by the Grade 12 students, ready to pop in your oven or freezer on Thursday, October 10th; just in time for Thanksgiving dinner! Pie pick up will be after school till 5:30 p.m. at the Northgate Four Square Church (1640 Burgess Rd.) or at the Comox Pentecostal Church (1919 Guthrie Rd.) with a purchased ticket for each pie. Please make arrangements with the school if you cannot pick-up during these hours.
Order forms are being sent home today, September 27, and students should return completed forms and money (cash or cheques payable to "Grad fund 2019") to the office no later than Friday, October 4th, as we need to purchase the ingredients.
Thank you very much for your support,
The Gaglardi Academy Grad Class of 2020