The grade 3 and grade 1 classes participated in the Doctors of BC's 5-2-1-0 Challenge for the month of October. They endeavoured to eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day, limit their screen time to a 2-hour maximum, be physically active for 1-hour minimum and consume 0 sugary drinks all month. Special thanks go out to Dr. Nancy McFadden and Dr. Grobler for bringing this program to our school and for their classroom visits.

Many students participated in this challenge from all across BC with each participant's name put into a draw for various prizes. So it's pretty amazing that 5 winners were drawn from our grade 3 class! Keegan McKague, Emma Montgomery, Isabella Allnutt, and one other student all won animated posters featuring their own self-portraits showing them being active, and Brook Breuer won a bike helmet.

We hope to issue the challenge to the entire school next year, so stay tuned for details next Fall!

Sharon Elia

Sharon Elia

Grade 3 (Mon-Wed)

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