Dear Parents,

Thank you for supporting the PAC Hot Lunch Program. With the funds raised, PAC is able to purchase items for our sports and band programs, as well as provide extracurricular items for teachers.

The Hot Lunch ordering system will opening for January/February orders as of Friday January 3rd. The system will be open for orders for one week only, closing on Friday January 10th at 3:00 pm to allow time for parents to place their orders. Here is the link to the online ordering system: http:// There will be no scheduled hot lunch for Friday January 10th. 

Other Hot Lunch News:

New Supplier

We have a new hot lunch supplier for 2020! Check out the menu selection for Cobbs Bread which will be available for one of the hot lunch days.  If you have any suggestions for a new hot lunch supplier, please let us know and we will look into it.

Salad Bar Grant

PAC has an opportunity to apply for a grant for a salad bar through the 2020 Farm to School Cafeteria Canada program. The program is focused on  the Farm to School Approach and is designed to see more students and school communities engaged in growing, purchasing, harvesting, cooking, serving, learning about, and eating healthy, local and sustainable foods at school. If successful, we could receive a grant up to $10,000 over two years to set up a salad bar service.  

Establishing a salad bar meal service requires a group of dedicated parent volunteers. To learn more about what this program will entail, please view the video of one of the successful programs run by a local school in the Comox Valley:

If you are interested in volunteering, please send an email to If there are enough volunteers to establish a regular salad bar meal service program, a sub-committee can be established to work out the details and we can move forward with an application.

The hot lunch program is run by a group of parent volunteers who spend a lot of their personal time in the background in order to have a hot lunch program.  A heartfelt thank you to all who contribute their time and efforts to make sure our students have an access to a hot lunch on Fridays! 

Parent Advisory Council

Parent Advisory Council

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