At the beginning of the second semester, our high school Outdoor Education Adventure class kicked off with classroom theory and dry training. The month of February including First Aid and navigation classes. The students were given the opportunity to build team First Aid kits that will be utilized on our field trips. We also learned the intricacies of using maps and compasses to navigate in the wilderness.

Moving into March we began to learn the theory behind fire building, appropriate clothing, essential gear, survival principals and psychology. This was a build up for our Winter Survival Field trip to Mt Washington area. During our day, we hiked through the snow to a location where the students put into practice winter survival shelters and fire lighting techniques. The students dug tree-well emergency shelters and lit fires using multiple methods.

Into April our focus has switched to knots, climbing gear, anchors and technical rigging. This is the anticipation for indoor and outdoor rock climbing field trips later this month.

Overall the students have been engaged in the program and eagerly wait to put into practice their new skills.

Andrew MacKenzie

Andrew MacKenzie

Gr. 10-12 Outdoor Education

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