We are in need of crosswalk helpers! This role is a great way to fulfill your volunteer hours so please consider joining our team....
The April PAC meetingĀ has been postponed. A new date is yet to be determined. --- Our Parent Advisory Council (PAC) meets today...
This event is only for those parents who responded before June 6 with their RSVPs. You will know you are on our guest list if you...
Do you have a child entering kindergarten at PJGA in September? If so, you are invited to attend an important Parent Orientation...
If your family is new to Gaglardi Academy, you will want to attend our New Family Orientation meeting today at 6:30 pm in the chapel....
Parent/Teacher Interviews for studentsĀ are today, Oct. 21. Teachers are available to meet with from 11:00 am - 5:00 pm. To book an...