Phil & Jennie Gaglardi Academy


1. Purpose of Evaluation

  • Educational assistants will be evaluated in order to:
    • improve the quality of assistance provided for students
    • encourage professional growth and development.
    • encourage the growth of a Christian community of learning in the school
    • enable educational assistants to identify their contributions to the school community
    • assist educational assistants in discovering their strengths and weaknesses
    • to note the appropriateness of the educational assistant’s assignment and provide information for deciding permanent promotion, transfer, or dismissal

2. General Guidelines

  • Evaluation of educational assistants shall be carried out by the learning support teacher in consultation with the classroom teacher who supervises the educational assistant
  • Self-evaluation is considered to be an essential part of the final evaluation
  • Evaluations will occur at regular intervals. Informal evaluations will emphasize encouragement in the day-to-day activities of teaching and assisting. It is an on-going process of consultation and assistance and is comprised of mutual discussion and self-evaluation throughout the school year. Formal evaluations are annual assessments of the educational assistant’s work and their professional and personal qualities as these relate to their duties and responsibilities.

3. Procedures for Evaluation

  • The learning support teacher will meet with the educational assistant at the beginning of the school year to discuss goals.
  • During the school year, classroom visits and discussions with assigned classroom teachers and/or peers are held for the purpose of mutual sharing and self-evaluation.
  • At the end of the school year, the learning support teacher will invite classroom teachers to provide input on educational assistant performance
  • At the end of the school year, the learning support teacher will meet with each educational assistant to discuss overall performance during the school year and consider priorities for the following year
  • Any relevant written information will be placed in the educational assistant’s personnel file. A copy of any written information will be provided to the educational assistant.

4. Criteria for Evaluation

The following criteria are offered as a basis for evaluating the quality of the educational assistant’s work. These criteria should be used to discuss strengths and weaknesses of an educational assistant’s work, with a view towards improving day-to-day assistance, recognizing contributions to a Christian community of learning, and encouraging professional growth. These criteria are not intended to be a complete list nor are they intended to provide a model of the perfect educational assistant. Rather, they are intended to provide a basis upon which the learning support teacher and the educational assistant can establish mutual discussion of an educational assistant’s work.

  • Planning
    • Planning lessons that meet the needs of the student
    • Flexibility in adjusting plans to the needs of individual students
    • Plans which reflect an understanding of the school’s goals
  • Methodological Competence
    • Uses a variety of approaches which account for different learning styles and needs
    • Presents, when appropriate, a Christian perspective to the lesson
    • Uses appropriate procedures
    • Remains current
  • Educational Assistant/Student Relationships
    • Recognition of each student as created in the image of God
    • Respect of individual differences among students
    • Demonstration of fairness and kindness in relations with students
    • Demonstration of firmness and consistency in student relations
  • Supporting Classroom Atmosphere
    • Aware of and supports the expectations of the classroom teacher
    • Actively encourages cooperation, courtesy and responsibility
    • Consistently supports the application of rules
    • Effectively uses class time
  • Professional and Personal Qualities
    • Works cooperatively with other staff members toward the goals defined by the school community
    • Contributes to and encourages openness and trust in staff relationships
    • Participates in meetings, supervisory duties and extra-curricular activities
    • Involved in professional development activities such as courses, workshops, conferences, reading and membership in professional organizations
    • Supports and implements Board and school policies
    • Models Christ in and out of school

5. Remedial Process

When an educational assistant is having difficulty meeting the criteria outlined above, the principal shall:

  • Identify deficiencies and, in writing, communicate such to the educational assistant
  • Make the educational assistant aware of resources and personnel available to assist in making changes: fellow teachers, principal, consultants, courses, workshops, etc.
  • Determine, in consultation with the educational assistant, a reasonable time frame in which desired changes will occur
  • Re-evaluate the educational assistant, addressing previously identified deficiencies

6. Maintenance of Records

  • Educational assistant’s files will be kept at the school under the supervision of the principal.
  • Educational assistants will have access to their own files.
  • Files are to be kept confidential and are accessible only to the principal and the learning support teacher.
  • File maintenance requires the periodic removal and shredding of dated material.

7. Evaluation Appeal Process

  • The educational assistant may appeal an evaluation report by submitting a written request to the principal, with a copy to the learning support teacher within ten days of receiving the report. The request shall also specify the substance of the appeal.
  • Within fifteen days of receiving the appeal, the principal shall:
    • Conduct a review of the educational assistant’s file.
    • Conduct an additional evaluation.
    • Review the process used to evaluate the educational assistant.

8. Termination Procedure

Where educational assistant deficiencies have been identified, the above remedial process has been followed, and educational assistant performance remains unsatisfactory, termination of employment may be necessary.

  • The Board must be assured that the remedial process has been followed.
  • The Board shall inform the educational assistant in writing of its final decision.
  • When the dismissal of an educational assistant occurs because of the conviction of a criminal act, the Board shall inform, in writing, the Inspector of Independent Schools.

9. Copies of Evaluation Policy

Copies of this evaluation policy will be available to educational assistants and learning support teacher.


Last Updated September 20, 2014