Thanks to the combined efforts of the PAC, playground committee and some generously designated school funds we have raised $75,454 towards our targeted age 5-12 years of age, playground replacement project.
We have broken this into two phases. What you see outside on the front lawn is the site preparation for phase one. This will include a KOMPAN 3 bay swing set, that will provide 6 swings. In addition, a unique item called “The KOMPAN Supernova” will be installed. It is an above-ground merry go round like structure that will challenge dynamic balance in a new way. Phase 1 costs are estimated to reach $39,000 and is expected to be completed before December 31st, 2019.
Phase 2 is a work in progress and fundraising efforts continue. You may be excited to hear that the majority of PAC fundraising efforts this year will be put towards the next part of this exciting project. The old playground will remain intact for use by the children until phase 2 is completed. We estimate a $145,000 cost for the entire project. This means we will continue to fundraise an additional $70,000.
As always, we're thankful for the support of our school community.

Parent Advisory Council
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