If you have a child enrolled at Gaglardi Academy then you are automatically a member of the Parent Advisory Council (PAC). Please consider attending the monthly PAC meetings and volunteering your time at one of the many PAC hosted activities that happen throughout the year. The PAC needs you:  your ideas, your vision, your assistance. We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting!

PAC meetings are held every third Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm in the school staff room.

Your PAC elective for the current school year are:

  • Chair:  Jon Twain
  • Vice-Chair:  Kevin Hiller
  • Treasurer:  Josh Redekop
  • Secretary:  Tara Moorehouse
  • Hospitality:  Jon Morrison
  • Hot Lunch Program:  Joy Shure
  • Fundraising:  Anna Hamilton


The minutes from each monthly meeting will be posted on this page. Stay tuned!