Phil & Jennie Gaglardi Academy is a uniform school. This allows a level playing field for students from all walks of life and also helps to keep a certain level of modesty in our school. Students are then free to express their unique talents and characteristics in areas other than dress and we believe this is a good thing. We hope that you, as parents, will support our uniform decision at home by making sure each uniform piece is clean, in good repair, the proper size, and worn appropriately. Thanks for your support in this!

The school uniform differs depending on the grade level of your child so please see the charts below to find what uniform your child wears and how it is to be worn. Our uniform supplier is Cambridge Uniforms and to purchase uniform pieces for your child, click the Supplier & Ordering Information tab located on the left sidebar.

Please Note:

  • ALL uniform pieces, except white shirts, must be purchased from Cambridge Uniforms.  
  • ALL white clothing is winter white with NO crest. Currently, there is no restriction where parents can purchase white tops as long as they are winter white. If we get a variety of “whites” worn, then we will have to place a restriction where the uniform tops are purchased. To keep costs down, please respect the “white” request.