Testing & Placement Policy

Rational and understanding

  • It is the desire of Gaglardi Academy to have a solid basis on which to make admission decisions regarding new students or those returning after an absence of three years or more.
  • Gaglardi Academy has limited resources for some children with special learning needs.
  • Learning occurs in varying ways and at different rates.
  • Learning is both an individual and social process.
  • Learning requires the active participation of the learner.
  • Children do best when placed in age-appropriate classrooms.


The learning support teacher will review every admissions file to assess both learning needs and possible grade placement of children wishing entrance to Gaglardi Academy.

Testing of some children will occur before admission if the learning support teacher requires additional information to make an admission or placement recommendation to the Director.

When the rare circumstance occurs when it may be in the best educational interest of the child to consider retention or acceleration, then the final decision for placement will rest with the Director in consultation with parents and the learning support teacher.