Phil & Jennie Gaglardi Academy

Gaglardi Academy's expected school-wide culture:

As part of our school's Code of Conduct all staff, students and parent community are expected acknowledge, sign and adhere to the outlined code of conduct. The code of conduct can be found in staff and parent manuals as well as Gaglardi's student handbook.

Gaglardi Academy's understanding of harassment:

  • It is a distortion of how God intended us to live in relationships emotionally, physically, spiritually and socially.
  • The task of the Christian school is to nurture students toward that which God intended for us as human beings.
  • All harassment breaks community between two or more individuals; it defies God’s plan of respect, worth and dignity for bearing God’s holy image.
  • Harassment affects three parties: the bully, the bullied and the bystander.
  • The act of harassment can be physical, emotional, verbal or exclusionary.

At Gaglardi Academy, procedures are in three parts and that recognize we are a Kindergarten to Grade 12 school:

  1. Prevention and awareness are a part of assembly, Chapel, Bible classes, classroom programs and projects, and personal planning in the classroom at all grade levels. At grade levels 6-12, the cyber-bullying education begins.
  2. Initial interventions:
    • Primary (K-3): high instruction (specific and repeated), discipline and age-appropriate consequences. If repeated, parental involvement is required and the Discipline Policy applies.

Instruction: re-enforce “hands to self”; kind words; WITS program; be a bucket filler; coming under authority; golden rule.

    • Elementary (Gr 4-7): emphasis on counseling, building relationships and supervision of play. Continue to build on the instruction learned from K-3 (especially new students to our school in this age group). Discipline Policy is strictly applied at this age and includes investigation of the complaint and interviewing of the participants and witnesses in order to:
      • Assess the harm as either harassment or abuse.
      • Get informed parent involvement early in the discussion.
      • Achieve student reconciliation.
      • Document and summarize the event.
    • Senior (Gr 8-12): emphasis on cyber-bullying. Discipline Policy is strictly enforced. includes investigation of the complaint and interviewing of the participants and witnesses in order to:
      • Assess the harm as either harassment or abuse.
      • Get informed parent involvement early in the discussion.
      • Achieve student reconciliation.
      • Document and summarize the event.

3. Disciplinary consequences may include:

    • A letter of apology.
    • A public apology.
    • In-school suspension.
    • Out of school suspension.
    • Expulsion.


Anti-Bulling and Harassment Policy, Updated February 2015