Phil & Jennie Gaglardi Academy


Our Lord Jesus Christ laid down the wisest principles for reconciling concerns in Matthew 18.
For believers, He calls everyone to “go to” the one who has allegedly caused offence. This
has great implications for the administration of justice and relationships in our school
community and we are all charged with this responsibility. Only rarely should such a principle
be avoided. Criminal matters (abuse, law-breaking etc.) would be matters which may require
going directly to other authorities. (Matthew 18: 15-17)

The manner in which complaints are dealt with can mean the difference between harmony
and tension within the school community. The proper route for filing a complaint is as follows:

  1. The parent discusses the concern with the teacher or staff member involved. If the parent finds it difficult to meet face to face, a letter could be written, signed and handed to the staff member by the parent.
  2. If the matter is not resolved after repeated attempts, the parent meets with the teacher and the School Principal.
  3. If the matter is still not resolved after repeated attempts, the parent may request a meeting with the School Director.
  4. If the matter is still not resolved after repeated attempts, the parent may request a meeting with a representative of the Board.

There are two areas where parents may have the opportunity to appeal school decisions:

  • matters arising from the expulsion from the school, and
  • matters relating to student evaluation or report card appeals.

Discipline Appeals

As per the Gaglardi Academy's Discipline Policy, the need for appeal arises at stage five (5);
an expulsion recommendation has been made to the School Board by the Director/Principal.
In the event that a student is being recommended for expulsion, a meeting will be called
between the parent, classroom teacher and the Director/Principal. During that meeting, the
Director/principal will review all the circumstances leading up to that point and give the parent
an opportunity to respond. At the conclusion of the meeting, if the Director/Principal's review
and decision is unsatisfactory to the parent, they may contact the School Board, in writing,
giving the salient details of the mitigating circumstances and why the child should remain at
Gaglardi Academy after repeated attempts to correct behaviour.

The Director and the School Board will meet at the earliest possible convenience to discuss
the written parent appeal. Parents should keep in mind that the mandate of the School
Board is to oversee the spiritual and educational health and welfare of the entire school. The
School Board's decision on expulsions will be effective immediately. The School Board
reserves the right to call in the parent should they need more information to make a wise and
effective decision on behalf of the school and child in question.

If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision of the School Board, they may within
seven (7) days of receiving the decision of the School Board refer their concerns in writing to
the Ombudsperson appointed by the governing association where the school has its membership.

Note: The complainants will also be informed by the School Board that the role of the
Ombudsperson is to determine if the processes used have been fair and impartial, not to
substitute their judgment for that of the School Board.

Student Plagiarism Appeals

In today's world of open access to the world-wide-web, the need to protect the intellectual
property of others is paramount for any educational institution, including Gaglardi Academy.
Moreover, because of the ease with which a student may copy or download portions of
another work and pass it off as their own, requires Gaglardi Academy to have a strict policy
with respect to plagiarism.

Therefore, the parent of any child caught in plagiarism will be notified immediately by
telephone and a follow-up written email requesting a meeting with the Director/principal,
classroom teacher, student and parent. At that meeting, the case will be presented with an
opportunity for the student to answer the case against them. At the conclusion of that
meeting, a decision will be made whether an expulsion recommendation will proceed to the
School Board. At that point, the Discipline Appeals Policy above will come into effect.

Student report card/evaluation Appeals

This appeals policy takes effect after the parent has exhausted discussions with the
classroom teacher. After such discussions, if the parent remains unsatisfied with the decision
of the classroom teacher, the parent may contact the Director/principal in writing, giving
details of the salient issues under dispute. The Director will notify the parent and classroom
teacher of a meeting where the Director will review the case in dispute. The decision of the
Director will be final.

This policy reflects the FISA paper entitled “Procedural Fairness: Best Practices for
Independent Schools”.
Updated July 8, 2014 to reflect Student Plagiarism section
Updated November 26, 2019 to reflect the addition of Ombudsperson to the appeals process.