- 1st Wednesday of the month ONLY
- 1⁄2 doughnut once per month
- purchase only from approved list (no sugar)
- no other purchases unless child has an approved lunch voucher.
- Should there be a $ limit?
Gr 4-7
- 1 day per week (recommend a different day from K-3; Business class to pick -not Friday)
- Child must have a signed permission form that allows them to purchase from the store once per week.
- 1⁄2 doughnut once per month.
- no other purchases unless child has an approved lunch voucher.
- Any purchases made on behalf of another student is strictly forbidden. Zero tolerance and privileges revoked.
- Should there be a $ limit?
Gr 8-12
- At their own discretion any day.
- Can purchase full doughnut on doughnut day
- Can have pizza.
- Any purchases made on behalf of another student is strictly forbidden. Zero tolerance and privileges revoked.
K-3 Menu
- Cheese strings,
- Carrot sticks
- celery sticks
- goldfish crackers
- sugar-free drinks
- fruit cups
- granola bars
- juice boxes
- noodle bowls
- ABSOLUTELY NO candy, chips, cheezies, chocolate bars, anything with peanuts, gum, sugared drinks unless juice
- no pizza unless thru PAC hot lunch
4-7 Menu
- Cheese strings,
- Carrot sticks
- celery sticks
- goldfish crackers
- sugar-free drinks only
- fruit cups
- granola bars
- juice boxes
- noodle bowls
- Pizza Pops
- Chimichangas
- Pizza on pizza day (choose the day you are allowing them to purchase)
- brownies
- ABSOLUTELY NO candy, chips, cheezies, chocolate bars, anything with peanuts, gum, sugared drinks unless juice
Grade 8-12 Menu
- as per the students' tastes