Phil & Jennie Gaglardi Academy
Use of Cell Phones and Personal Electronic Devices during school hours
K-grades 7
All electronic devices, including cameras, are not allowed to be turned on or be in a students’ possession between the hours of 8:35 am to end of school day, including lunchtime. All electronic devices will be confiscated by the classroom teacher. It will be the responsibility of the student to retrieve their device at the end of the day. Three repeated offences will result in a total ban for the rest of the school year.
Grades 8 -12
All electronic devices, including cameras, are to be turned off during class hours unless the classroom teacher has given specific permission for the student to have access to their device. If a teacher gives permission for a student to “plugin” to their device, only one earbud is permitted. Any student in violation of this requirement will have the device confiscated until the end of the day. It will be the responsibility of the student to retrieve their device at the end of the day from their classroom teacher. Three repeated offences will result in a total ban for the rest of the school year.
Teachers are required to log “infractions” so that the Office can track the number as per policy. After three (3) infractions, a communication home is required and the student is no longer permitted to bring any technology to school. Should parents require cell-phones, etc. for security/safety reasons, the student must sign-in their cell-phone into the office before 8:40 am and sign-out the cell-phone once all afternoon classes have been dismissed.
Class hours are defined as: 8:40 am-12:10 pm inclusive AND 12:50 pm-3:00 pm.
Lost or stolen Electronic toys and devices while at school.
- Gaglardi Academy strongly recommends that parents refrain from allowing children to bring electronic toys or games to school.
- Should any device be lost, stolen or broken, Gaglardi Academy accepts no financial responsibility to replace or fix the device in question.
Last updated March 31, 2014