Phil & Jennie Gaglardi Academy
To be a joyful, Christ-centered, and safe learning community that equips children
and prepares them for a life of discovery, passion, and walking with God.
School Motto
Soli Deo, Gloria – Everything to the Glory of God (Col 3:17)
The mission of Phil and Jennie Gaglardi Academy is to engage every student to
lead, serve and thrive where ever they are beginning in Kindergarten through to
graduation and beyond. Students will realise their potential through
- Educational excellence in academic foundations, and expression in creative & performing arts,
- Relevant and meaningful missions opportunities to bring understanding, service, and leadership beyond the classroom to meet local and global needs.
- Understanding their identity in Jesus Christ, the hope of the world.
Core Values
- Every student has the opportunity to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a safe, non-judgmental learning environment.
- Every student is uniquely created by God the Father and has something unique and valuable to contribute to the school community.
- Every student understands that we are stronger together than as individuals.
- Every student is responsible for their actions and the resulting consequences.
- Learning is an essential lifelong process, and the world is best understood when seen through a biblical lens.
- A place where hard work, consistent effort, and the pursuit of excellence are valued.
Vision and Mission Statement
Approved October 2012,
Updated September 2017