Phil & Jennie Gaglardi Academy


  • It is understood that one of the systems for education delivery at Gaglardi Academy is multi-grade classrooms.
  • It is understood that, for multi-grade classrooms, Gaglardi Academy provides a clear indication of HOW Ministry of Education prescribed learning outcomes and student assessment practices are managed and tracked for each grade level.
  • It is understood that in elementary grade levels, many core courses are a scaffold-like process; building precept upon precept. In those courses separate course outlines are required at each grade level with clear indication of how PLO's are to be met and assessment practices managed.

To help teachers manage grade-level curriculum subjects and ensure all BC Ministry of
Education prescribed learning outcomes are met for each student at every grade level, the
following classroom curriculum schedule will be used for the following subjects. All other
courses will have separate course outlines.

Gaglardi Academy K-7 curriculum subjects include:

  • Science, Socials,
  • HCE, PE, Bible,
  • Math,
  • L.A.,
  • Music,
  • Fine Art,
  • Computers (Gr. 2-7),
  • French (Gr. 4-7),
  • Global Citizenship (Gr. 6-7)


Last updated March 31, 2014