Phil & Jennie Gaglardi Academy
- This policy will apply to parents of children at the school and community individuals who apply to volunteer their time at Gaglardi Academy.
- It is the desire of Gaglardi Academy to encourage parental and Christian community involvement where-ever possible.
- Gaglardi Academy desires to supplement its curriculum, programs and supervision requirements with volunteers, both parental and external, in order to enrich school life and assist faculty.
- Gaglardi Academy desires to facilitate the required 25 parent volunteer hours by giving parents ample opportunity to serve the school community.
- A volunteer (parental or external) with any interaction with children (ie transporting, supervising, classroom reading etc), must have a Criminal Records Check (CRC) on file at the school office BEFORE volunteer service can begin.
- External volunteers must have, in addition to a CRC, a pastoral reference letter and a signed Code of Conduct form.
- All volunteers that transport children on behalf of Gaglardi Academy must have a completed Volunteer Driver Form and all the current and relevant documents handed into the office BEFORE transportation services can begin.
- All personal information regarding children, their families, classroom behaviours, academic performance, and school faculty that the volunteer obtains while in the service of Gaglardi Academy shall be kept confidential, and must not be shared with other parents and persons outside the school.
- Only those volunteers who have served the school for a least one (1) school year will be permitted to work with children alone without supervision.
- Volunteers must be familiar with Gaglardi Academy's policies or procedures affecting their volunteer area. (ie if supervising children on the playground, the volunteer must be familiar with the school's policy regarding playground supervision OR if transporting children to/from sports events, the transportation policy).
- If and when a volunteer has a disagreement with some procedure or the manner in which a disciplinary incident was handled, the parental complaints procedure must be followed (see Parents Manual or Gaglardi Policy Manual).
- The Director/Principal reserves the right to refuse service of any volunteer at the school.
Parental and External Volunteers Policy, last updated March 2014